Welcome to the LodgingGuide hospitality research service's list of properties in the Cambridge & Somerville area. This page shows area properties from an industry perspective. If you are looking to reserve a room, please use the corresponding HotelGuide page. The restaurants shown are only those located on hotel properties.
Holiday Inn Somerville 30 Washington St., Somerville Vendors: 5 · Events: 1 Meetings: 8 rooms, 7,200 sq ft. | Marriott Residence Inn Boston Harbor on Tudor Wharf 34 Charles River Ave., Boston Vendors: 2 Meetings: 1 room, 450 sq ft. Sheraton Commander Hotel 16 Garden St., Cambridge Vendors: 4 · Events: 5 Meetings: 5 rooms, 5,500 sq ft. |
Charles Hotel in Harvard Square 1 Bennett St., Cambridge Vendors: 5 · Events: 4 Meetings: 11 rooms, 9,500 sq ft. | Royal Sonesta Hotel Boston 40 Edwin Land Blvd., Cambridge Vendors: 5 · Events: 2 Meetings: 16 rooms, 20,000 sq ft. |
Henrietta's Table Charles Hotel in Harvard Square Bambara Restaurant Hotel Marlowe The Black Sheep Restaurant Kendall Hotel ArtBar Royal Sonesta Hotel Boston | Davio's Cambridge Royal Sonesta Hotel Boston Nubar Restaurant and Lounge Sheraton Commander Hotel |
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